Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Time is Here!

That's right! The time has come for our second annual Stevenson Neighborhood Christmas Party. Last year's party was a huge success, even though it came together in an impromptu way. It was only ten days from the conception of the idea to the actual party, during which time God provided multiple presents for over ninety kids, as well as an awesome event consisting of games, crafts, face-painting, caroling, and, of course, gift-giving! God is so faithful. You can read all about last year's Christmas party HERE.

This year, we have gotten a bit more of a head start. We began initial preparations over three weeks ago, and we have adapted our system to be more organized, with Family Information Forms and more opportunities for adults and children in the neighborhood to help with the planning and putting on of the party. We are so excited about all the new relationships that will be formed through the whole experience.

We already have over 130 kids signed up for this year's party, and we expect even more before it is all said and done. For those of you who are interested, there are several ways you can be involved with this year's party:

1) If you are in town or feel like coming to town, we would love for you to participate with planning, present wrapping, shopping, cooking, and the actual party itself! Please let us know if you want to be involved in this way. There is a meeting this Sunday, Dec. 5th, at 4:00pm at our house to talk about everyone's roles as the big day approaches. Even if you miss that meeting, let us know, and we will get you plugged in.

2) Please cover the event and all the preparations in prayer. Pray for safety for everyone involved, for God's provision for presents for kids and all the food and supplies for the party. And mostly pray that this will serve as a catalyst for relationships and greater community - life-giving community - will grow in the midst of our neighborhood.

3) You can also help provide presents for the kids or help meet some of the needs of the families during this Christmas season. If you are in town, you can bring toys, games, stuffed animals, clothes, books, CDs, and pretty much anything else that would make a good present for kids ages infant-16 to our house (465 Cockerell Dr., check out the "Come and Visit" page for directions). For friends in more distant places, financial contributions and gift cards would be a huge help! We are partnering with a local church just like last year, so if you would like the tax-write off, you can make checks payable to St. John's Baptist Church. Please send contributions to 465 Cockerell Dr., Abilene, TX 79601. Any excess funds will be used to help restore the abandoned community center in our neighborhood.

We are so excited to see God provide once again this year. Thank you for your prayers and support and for considering how you might be involved!

Children decorating ornaments at the 2009 Christmas party.


  1. Looking forward to this so much, much love ALLELON!

  2. Praying for wonderful blessings


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