Prayer List

We are constantly aware of our need for prayer support.  Often are Paul's words proven to be true: "Our battle is not against flesh and blood..."  Please pray for us and for the work that God continues to do in our midst.

Here are some specific ways that you can pray:

1) Pray for each of us as we try to follow Jesus and press deeper into relationship with God and as we navigate the often difficult road of life as a close-knit spiritual family.

2) Pray for a strong, continuing sense of purpose and calling - that we would not lose sight of what God has called us to but that God would renew our passion day by day for what he is doing in our hearts and in our neighborhood.

3) Pray for our friends who are struggling with addiction to drugs and alcohol.  It is a disease that has devastating effects on a person's life, family, and friends.  Pray that God would break down those walls and bring true freedom.

4) Pray that we would be able to share the gospel boldly, speaking truth and freedom through Christ into the midst of darkness and bondage.  But pray that we would also remain constantly open to finding God where God is already at work, sometimes in the places we least expect.

5) We are taking twenty kids from the neighborhood to summer camp this year!  Pray that this would be an incredible, life-changing experience for them.  We're also doing a VBS for the younger kids.  Pray that the Lord would give us great ideas and favor as we work with the kids.

6) Pray for our efforts with the urban farm.  There is so much potential there, and our dreams are huge.  Bit by bit it is coming to life.  Pray that as the infrastructure develops, God would open up the doors to use it as a tool for spreading love and joy and health in our neighborhood.

Thanks for praying!  Want to find out more?  Come for a visit!

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