Wednesday, April 21, 2010

We're Not Dead!

Hello Everyone!

I know it's going on two months since our last post, and I'm so sorry we haven't been updating more. It's just been so crazy! But don't think God hasn't been working. He has been doing some really incredible things. Let me catch you up really quick:

- We've still been having our Friday and Sunday community meals. It's been a real blessing that as the semester has become a little crazier, the numbers at these meals has dropped a little. For a while there were 30-40 people here for every meal, which was a little bit crazy! We've actually been able to sit down around the table lately. And it seems like each time the exact people who need to be there are there. God is definitely in control! (I would post pictures from some of these, but our laptop and camera were stolen, and we had not saved any of the photos yet! Bummer...)

- We've been blessed with the opportunity to participate in several neighborhood events. The first of these is Thursday lunches over at St. John's Baptist on Carver St. Last semester we helped Pastor Riley prepare for these and serve the food each Thursday, but now another lady from the church handles all of that, so we just get to come out and eat with everybody. It is always a really great time of food and fellowship. We've particularly enjoyed getting to know our new friend Lorenzo who lives on the north end of Carver.
We also got to join many friends and neighbors for an Easter party in the park put on by Macedonia Baptist Church. We had worked with Flora to plan an Easter Egg Hunt and Family Meal, but then we found out that Macedonia had scheduled an egg hunt for the same time in the same place! We just canceled ours and encouraged everyone to go out to the park and participate with their event. It was such a blessing!
Most recently, our friend Brother Rob Lilly and his organization Da'Cipher hosted a BBQ out in the park. It was quite a party! There was food, music, a bounce house, and all sorts of games, plus some time for older men to share some of their life experiences with at-risk teens. Praise God! Brother Rob has a really incredible ministry. Some of our closest friends (Denise, Poon, Allenia) have really enjoyed being a part of Da'Cipher on Monday nights.
Sometimes it is nice to not have any role in planning or facilitating, but to just come out as neighbors and enjoy some fellowship. We really thank God for blessing us with all these opportunities.

- Last Saturday, we had a neighborhood potluck. We originally planned to have it out in the park, but it was pouring rain on Saturday. So we moved it over to our house. Sue made her delicious noodle casserole and a couple of cool-aid pies. Kelsey made a huge pot of chili. I made queso, guacamole, and pineapple dip, plus some jalapeno corn. Ben made brownies. Poon made lemonade. Flora and Lorenzo brought bread and cheese. Vladimir brought pinto beans cooked Armenian style. I couldn't even keep track of it all, but it was delicious! And the fellowship was incredible. Then that night we went with a group of about 15 friends and neighbors to see the annual Shades show at ACU. Shades is an incredible dance and step group. The show was so good!

- This Sunday, we will be attending a tent service just down the street. Our friends at 10th and Treadaway Church and Hillcrest Church are having joint services next to the old, run-down community center on Cockerell St. Then, after a community meal, we will begin the first stage of renovating this so it can once again be a safe, fun place in the neighborhood. We've been praying about this building for a long time, and it was really an answer to prayer when we found out that it would be renovated. Who knows all the ways that God will use this next semester?

There are many more exciting things to share, but the homework beckons. So for now, I will just say this: God is incredibly faithful. He is redeeming the whole world, and we are blessed to see a little part of that in our hearts and in our neighborhood.

(We'll try to be better about keeping you posted, so don't give up on checking out the blog occasionally!)

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